
The Most Popular Providers Of File Sharing

Most users still think of file sharing as a rather shady way of exchanging multimedia files or software as supported by the services of this cloud torrenting providers site. However, the uncomplicated exchange of files, supplemented by collaboration functions, has become an integral part of everyday business life.

In modern companies, powerful file-sharing and collaboration platforms are an important part of the daily business. Such systems must not only provide a means for the uncomplicated exchange and fast processing of files and data, but also fulfill extensive compliance and security requirements. In particular, the introduction of the EU data protection basic regulation (DSGVO) last year continues to ensure complex application scenarios.

Flexible Concepts

Modern file sharing, collaboration solutions are optimized for exactly this purpose. They not only offer the functions already mentioned, but also provide supplementary services. These range from video chats and the seamless integration of open source software to the creation of entire social networks within the company.

The underlying data is stored either in the cloud, on-premises or in hybrid systems. Users can often access the files not only via their local desktop systems, but also via notebooks and mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets or simply browser-based.

This is made possible by centralized data storage, which allows universal, device- and location-independent access. Authorized users can thus access relevant files at any time without having to leave their original storage location. File sharing systems also allow classification at file and folder level. This allows administrators to define user groups, set expiration times or implement other specific rules.

Focus on Security

Security is ensured by measures such as encryption, data loss prevention (DLP), authentication and the use of access control policies. But that’s not all: In the course of the DSGVO, companies must ensure that the collection, processing and storage of personal data is traceable and verifiable throughout. If this is not the case, there is a risk of severe penalties.

Enterprise file sharing solutions address this issue by offering users the same level of convenience and flexibility as conventional public cloud storage services. At the same time, however, they provide comprehensive control and security measures for enterprise use. Automated data protection concepts are also possible, a technology that is already commonly used in torrenting.

An on-premises solution in the company’s own data center offers maximum control, as the data always remains on site in the company. Alternatively, hybrid systems store data cost-effectively in secure and DSGVO-compliant clouds, depending on the security and availability classification. In principle, modern file sharing, download and collaboration systems ensure that every step remains traceable throughout.

Uncomplicated Data Loading & Collaboration

In a modern company, all employees must be able to work together as smoothly as possible. A classic example of this is the work of several people on a joint project. In the past, this scenario often involved working on different versions of the same file without the users being aware of the changes made by colleagues who were also involved. The result was countless versions and copies of a file. Overview and coordination became increasingly difficult as the project progressed.

Current file sharing, download and collaboration systems prevent this problem. Users always stay up-to-date and can also work on a file simultaneously. If something goes wrong, the solution allows older file versions to be restored. In addition, users only ever have access to data that is relevant to them. This not only facilitates an overview of current projects, but also simplifies compliance with data protection and compliance regulations.

Ensuring Future Security

Regardless of the industry, the day-to-day business is constantly changing. This makes it all the more important that the file sharing and collaboration system in use is also able to cope with future developments. If you want to be prepared for this, you should, for example, ensure that there are sufficient scaling options.

These should not only cover the ever-increasing flood of data and the corresponding need for performance and storage space reserves, but also fulfill legal requirements such as domestic data storage. A modern user interface with support for web-based operation and mobile apps ensure that users can continue to work with the system without problems in the future.